Postnatal Nutrition Guide

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The experience of bringing a new life into the world is life-changing, and new parents often experience a whirlwind of new emotions, responsibilities, and priorities. After giving birth, new mothers are in need of extra care and support. But postpartum care can be challenging, because we’re often so focused on caring and providing for our newborn baby that we forget that we need to take time to heal and recover as well. Putting time and energy toward your healing and recovery post-labor will strengthen you, help you to bond better with your baby, and can also increase the health of your baby. 

Here are some postnatal tools to care for both you and your baby

Eat nourishing, nutrient-dense comfort foods

After giving birth your body is in a state of recovery and rebuilding, so it’s important to load up on restorative, nutrient-dense foods to support it. Some important nutrients to pay special attention to are calcium, iron, and omega 3s (specifically DHA). Getting enough protein at this time is also absolutely vital. Most people find it difficult to cook and prepare food in the early months while adjusting to a new schedule of feedings, sleeping, and just a whole new way of life. Having items already prepared and stashed away in the freezer can help during these times, if you’re able to take the time to prepare them beforehand. If not, there are a variety of food services available in most cities that provide healthy pre-cooked or ready-to-cook meals suited to individual clients’ needs. 

Nourishing foods: Foods such as greens, cold-water fish, root vegetables, eggs, whole grains especially oats & oat bran, lentils & legumes, nuts & seeds, and antioxidant-rich fruits should make up the majority of your diet. 

Superfoods: Herbs such as nettle, red raspberry leaf, and moringa, along with ground flax seeds and spirulina, provide a great balance of nutrients and can be easily added to your daily diet.

Increase Fluid Intake

*Drink water and herbal teas: Red raspberry leaf is great for strengthening/toning the uterus after birth, and fenugreek and fennel seed tea are excellent for boosting the quality and quantity of milk supply. 

*Drink smoothies: An excellent way to consume nutrients, especially fats, fiber, and greens. Try to drink these at room temperature, as warming foods/drinks are best during the initial postpartum phase. A few splashes of boiled water can be used to heat up a cold smoothie. 

Increase Mineral-Rich Foods

*Magnesium-rich foods: Raw cacao, dark leafy greens, salmon, avocado 

*Iron-rich foods: Spinach, beets, lentils, pumpkin seeds 

*Selenium-rice foods: Eggs, Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds 

*Folate-rich foods: Asparagus, dark leafy greens, broccoli, legumes  

Increase Anti-Inflammatory Foods

*Ginger and turmeric are excellent natural anti-inflammatories which will help the healing process post-birth (add to soups, broths, stews, smoothies, and teas) 

*Berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries) 

*Cruciferous vegetables and bitter greens (cauliflower, kale, dandelion greens, arugula) 

*Probiotic-rich foods (sauerkraut, kefir, coconut yogurt) 

Focus on WARM foods & drinks



*Bone broths 

*Oatmeal, porridge

*Herbal/mineral broths 

*Warm herbal infusions (nettle, red raspberry, oat straw)

Breastfeed, if possible
Not all women are able to get their baby to breastfeed, but if you can breastfeed it helps not only your baby’s health but also your own. Breast milk is high in all the nutrients your baby needs for optimal development, and will help your baby to develop healthy gut bacteria and a healthy immune system. Breastfeeding moms also have a lower rate of postpartum depression and other postpartum health issues/disorders, and often have a quicker recovery time. If you’re having difficulty breastfeeding, there are a number of doulas and lactation coaches who can help guide you on your journey. If you’re looking for something to help increase milk flow, various herbs have a positive effect on lactation. 

Some effective lactation herbs include

Fenugreek: A common component in many herbal lactation teas, fenugreek is one of the most common and effective herbs to increase milk production. It’s a galactagogue that supports prolactin secretion. 

Capsule form is best. Take 3 capsules, 3x per day until the milk starts flowing. 


Blessed thistle: Helps to alleviate mild forms of postpartum depression, which is linked to difficulties breastfeeding. This herb is best combined with fenugreek. 

Capsule form is best. Take 3 capsules, 3x per day until the milk starts flowing. 

Realize that you don’t have to do it all yourself
Raising a child literally takes a community, and it’s important to start utilizing this community as soon as you’ve given birth. There’s no need to try to do everything yourself. Join a new moms’ group or a Baby and Me group. Ask a friend to help you prepare freezer-friendly meals. Ask your partner to help take care of the baby while you get some much-needed shut-eye. Whatever it is, utilize and lean on your community. 

Rest, rest, and rest
So many moms want to jump up and do anything and everything postpartum, but this isn’t what’s needed. Right now your body needs rest and recovery. Try to take on only what you can comfortably handle, get as much sleep as possible, and don’t start trying to shed the baby weight immediately. Be gentle with yourself, and give yourself time to rest and recuperate. 

Take time for healing after vaginal birth
If you were able to have a successful vaginal birth, there’s a chance that you may have experienced some tearing or had to have an episiotomy. If either of these is the case, healing is definitely needed. Using a spray bottle filled with water and lavender essential oil after using the bathroom or when you’re feeling uncomfortable will help to get rid of bacteria, cool the area, and speed up recovery time. 

You can also do lavender sitz baths with Epsom salts up to three times per week once you feel healed enough & ready to do so.

Embrace all emotions
Something that’s not often talked about are the ups and downs that you’re likely to experience postpartum. Your body’s hormones are all over the place, you’re probably sleep-deprived, and there’s a new kind of added stress in your life. It’s normal to not feel your best sometimes - you don’t have to be a blissed-out new mom all the time. 

When you’re feeling low: Try using essential oils like lavender, bergamot, orange and geranium to uplift your mood. You can use an aromatherapy diffuser or mix the oils with a carrier oil such as jojoba and apply topically. 

Spending 30 minutes outside daily with or without your baby will also help to uplift your mood as well as to balance hormones and cortisol levels. Whenever possible, try to take a few moments for yourself, whether it’s writing in a journal, napping, taking a warm bath, or having a friend or family member over.